
Animal Crackers

Okay, not really animal crackers but animal rings! Both are equally as cuuuute though. I have to say, without realizing it, I have quite the...

Okay, not really animal crackers but animal rings! Both are equally as cuuuute though. I have to say, without realizing it, I have quite the collection of animal rings. I have a turtle, frog, lizard, crocodile, owl, jaguar, and a deer ring. Most of these animals I would usually be scared of, but thats the great part about an animal ring. All the lovely qualities of an animal in a safe and tiny form. I've always had a special spot in my heart for animals. At one point in my life I even wanted to be a veternarian, until I realized that they watch many animals die. Luckily rings are eternal(at least with super glue!).There's still a ton more animals I'd love to add to my collection!I've always been on the lookout for a spider and a snake ring, but i'm also loving these cuties below!


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